Monday, October 10, 2016

10. Some days the Walk is Enough

If you have read my blog for any amount of time, you'll know that goal setting has been something I have taken seriously. Some would say obsessively.

The trash pick-up element of my daily walks began to feel a little obsessive. There's just so much trash to be picked up! I seem to be the only one who cares! The only one who bends down to pick it up!

I am learning that when I feel the presence of too many exclamation marks in my internal monologues it's time to breathe and examine what's up.

I am learning that some days the walk is enough. There are days that I do not need to save every sidewalk I encounter from litter. I can simply walk, notice the litter, and keep walking. Since I walk the same route every day, I have a chance to clear the path another day if that particular piece of litter is still waiting for me. In this way, the walking and de-littering become a game and the obsession eases.

This part of the walking routine is a form of meditation. On the walk, the litter symbolizes the thoughts that meditation instructs us to let pass by like clouds. It's hard to do. To let things pass. To not get obsessed.

It's hard. And then I practice. And the days pile up and it gets easier.


  1. I definitely saw the potential for litter OCD!!!

  2. This is so good. I always notice the litter when I'm out walking. I like how you likened that to distractions. They certainly show up to steer us off the path. Have a blessed week.

  3. This is so good. I always notice the litter when I'm out walking. I like how you likened that to distractions. They certainly show up to steer us off the path. Have a blessed week.

  4. Love that perspective and the thought that sometimes there are too many exclamation points!!!

  5. This is good, Julie! I love the analogy here "On the walk, the litter symbolizes the thoughts that meditation instructs us to let pass by like clouds." Blessings!

  6. Oh, this is a great post. The topic is great all by itself, but it's a great analogy for so many things in life.
