The productivity continues this Independence Day weekend!
The Fourth of July seems like an uber-appropriate time to cross off this item from the list.
I've drafted my letter to four female legislators and have hand written two of them. My hand is a little crampy, so I'm resting up, publishing this post, and will finish the other two letters later in the day.
This is what I'm sending to each of them:
July 4, 2015
Dear Representative ________:
I turned 40 in January, and am celebrating by checking off activities from what I named my 4040 list. #24 is to write four letters to state and federal legislators. Crossing this item off my list on Independence Day seems appropriate.
I am a mother. I blog at, and am employed at a local university. I am also reading my way through the presidential biographies chronologically to become a more informed citizen. Zachary Taylor's bio is next.
Thank you for your service. While everyone is wringing their hands about the discouraging state of the union, my historical reading has helped keep that worry in perspective. Our country has weathered hard times throughout its past. We have faced adversity and conquered difficulties. I am certain we can do so again.
My only agenda is to offer encouragement and to remind you that we, the citizens you represent, seek civility and cooperation among government officials. We're not seeing much of that at present. Writer Glennon Doyle Melton reminds her readers that “We Belong To Each Other.” It is an excellent guide as we interact with one another and as hard decisions cross your legislative desk.
Happy Fourth of July! Again, thank you for your service.
With Appreciation,
Julie Steele Mahoney
I read a meme this morning that says, "Be an encourager, the world has enough critics already." It resonates with me and is how I wanted to approach this list item. A while ago a friend called me a people builder. I like that. It guides my interactions often including this letter-writing campaign.
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