Sunday, September 27, 2015

Abundance Quantified

I wrote recently about a new prayer I've been saying to help me remain in an attitude of gratitude and to help me remain open to good things, possibilities, and God's abundance. There's a saying something to the effect of “What you look for, you find more of.”  That is coming true for me these days.

Here are my newest examples:

Last Sunday before church started a friend slid into the seat next to me and handed me two sets of notecards. This is one of the best gifts ever! Just as my supply begins to wane, more stationery finds its way to me. I love the way this happens—repeatedly.

Then as the weekend began, I experienced an explosion of abundance. Friday was a long day. I went from the office to the Ritz Carlton for a work dinner and didn't arrive home until nearly 11. I checked my mailbox before I pulled into the garage. What was waiting for me helped ease the exhaustion: a response to a letter I recently sent to a friend from junior high camp who I have reconnected with, another beautiful sympathy card to honor my grandmother, a letter on Italian stationery from one of my Havenites, and this gem:

My friend told me over the phone that she was sending me a surprise that was “SO YOU.” My friend was right. I love this muse. She's going to keep me company and offer me encouragement as I begin the second draft of my book. The words that accompany her really are perfect for me. “Unleash your joy. Surrender your seriousness. Shine brightly. Find the sacred in the ordinary. Embrace the chaos and keep your heart open. Quiet the inner critic. Tell Your Story.” Oh my word. Each of those phrases have particular meaning for me right now.


Then yesterday another dear friend texted me and asked if I'd like to come over and look through some clothes she was letting go of. It took me no time to answer Yes! This friend has great style and beautiful taste. I was just recently thinking about the season change and how this autumn I would need to get creative with my wardrobe because there's just not money in the budget for a trip to my favorite store. I wasn't even super upset. I just recognized that that's my reality and moved on. But now! My closet is stocked with beautiful suit jackets, sweaters, skirts, and tops that will definitely add a burst of energy and happiness to my work ensembles. I can't wait to see what Cadence does with these new additions.

She and her husband are also gifting me with a dining room table and chairs they no longer need and she's going to help me refinish them. I am breathing in all this goodness and saying, Thank you, Lord!

This post is not about the acquisition of new things, though that is what has happened this weekend. This post is about the ways that I am creating space for my needs to be met in creative ways. I am open to my needs and wants being met in ways I cannot anticipate. It is a practice in not trying to assume control over things that honestly, I do not have control over. Coming to that conclusion is quite a liberating notion. 

I can't wait to keep logging the abundance that comes into my life and finding ways to also be a part of that equation for others too.

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