Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A List of Thank yous

Today my divorce has been final for one year. It's strange to observe the day that something important was dissolved. And yet, I celebrate because I am in a better place. I am relieved to be at the one-year mark. It means all the firsts are behind me. I have a baseline for how most co-parenting interactions are likely to go. This brings me peace.

Some other unexpected things have happened. In the swirl of life, these things make me alternately sad, disappointed, tired, scared, and hopeful. That's a lot of emotion to wade through, and so I laid in my bed, covers to my chin, and sobbed them out. I went to sleep.

This morning the sting is still there and I know it will be for awhile. And I am committed to approaching all of the swirl the way Rob Bell addresses it in his book, How To Be Here: "How we respond to what happens to us--especially the painful, excruciating things that we never wanted and we have no control over--is a creative act.

The sun is shining.

Today is a new day, and I am grateful. Today's creative act is to make a list of things I am grateful for, so I keep my attention there rather than on the other places vying for so much head space.

Thank you for my gray, cozy robe.
Thank you for postage stamps.
Thank you for my daughter.
Thank you for Wednesdays when I get to see her again.
Thank you for people who make me laugh.
Thank you for Parks and Recreation binges and laughing out loud with my daughter.
Thank you for her kindnesses.
Thank you for books.
Thank you for words.
Thank you for audiobooks in heavy traffic.
Thank you for random acts of kindness--the giving and the receiving.
Thank you for Coldplay and Avett Brothers.
Thank you for courage.
Thank you for courage to turn off cable.
Thank you for courage to turn off Facebook.
Thank you for courage to take care of myself.
Thank you for boundaries.
Thank you for snail mail.
Thank you for massages.
Thank you for amazing coworkers.
Thank you for lifelong friends.
Thank you for new friends.
Thank you for the way decluttering makes me feel.
Thank you for trips to Aldi that make me forget my sadness even for a few minutes.
Thank you for creative minds that inspire.
Thank you for Rob Bell.
Thank you for Elizabeth Gilbert.
Thank you for Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Thank you for Hamilton-The Musical.
Thank you for faith--even when it's wobbly.
Thank you for Spirit, when it washes over me, and makes me cry.
Thank you for a paycheck.
Thank you for new days.
Thank you for this new day.

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